About me

consultancy and planning combined together!

As business professional with an MBA (Master of Business Administration) at University of Quebec at Montreal-Canada, I have all the accreditation and skills to help you to manage your business. I have a large experience regarding the consultancy in management, with expertise in project management, change management, strategic management and risk management in more than 25 years of activity.
The consultancy and the business plan can save your business!

My Offer for You

The Standard Pack contains:

1. Executive Summary of the Management Consultancy:
• The diagnose, issues and solutions for short and medium period
• The strategy for short and medium period
• The Vision, Goals and Values of your Business for short and medium period

2. Master Business Plan:

• Executive Summary
• Company Description
• Industry & Competitors’ Analysis and trends
• Analyze of Business, Market and SWOT points
• Development Plan
• Predictive cash flow and budget for short and medium period

You will benefit of the Japanese concept of KAIZEN-the change for good to improve your business by Keep It Short and Simple-KISS approach.
If you have a specific form or application to fill in as business plan, please attach the draft to the email and I will do as it is required.
Please take note that the business plan generally requires past financial statements. In this case the balance sheets and the profit and loss statements have to be attached to the email.
Please give me as many details as you can about your business and what you are struggling. In this respect you can download a Checklist for Business Plan to guide you in giving answers. This is in general the frame of a Business Plan.

Delivery time: 8-10 days after receiving all information.