For a world in continuous movement, the change is definitely necessary for the business success. We can say that it is for the good of the company to be in continuous change, at the bottom of the newest technologies and expertise. From the change of a procedure to a new production line, KAIZEN-the change for good, is required in order to be in the top of management.
KAIZEN, Japoneze concept promote by Toyota company is a concept in line with the Japoneze life style which promote the continuous improvement, clean and direct messages, in order to have an easy, simple and modern life and business.
The change management-KAIZEN concerns business and humans, and the right match between these two aspects will absolutely leads to a smooth transition to a higher level of the company’s business and to the stakeholders’ satisfaction. The profitability and the efficiency of the company will grow healthy and continually if the change is correctly and professionally implemented by a personalized approach assuring the sustainability of the new process.
The change management-KAIZEN is necessary both for new ideas or to improve existent process or procedures. The approach is different and the issues are various for each situation. For this reason an expertise is beneficial for setting-up the right change strategy.
The organizational change involves the communication of the new concepts. Since the human capacity to absorb changes is limited, the sense of the transformation has to be well integrated for generate performance. In this respect, a relational approach of the issue is recommended and specialized expertise is required.
A good knowledge and understanding of the change management is essential for all parties involved in this process. It is absolutely necessary that the change plan be detailed and the responsibilities clear defined, in respect to reach the expected results, by specialized consultants in specific areas of business.