Enjoy energy, crystals and colors in an integrative approach!
Reiki is a holistic healing practice developed in Japan, a non-invasive alternative medicine called energy healing.
Karuna Ki is a Buddhist practice, a form of compationate&healing art energy spread around all beings from the heart.
Why Reiki or Munai Ki ?
* Safe and natural healing, with no side effects;
* Amplify the sense of life and ameliorate the overall health;
* Boosts the wellbeing and increase focus to work;
* Long distance access, in your own comfortable space and time.
Enjoy crystals, the ancient tools for healing
Crystal healing is a therapy which involves using special gem stones in a specific manner to help draw the negative energy or to bring the good one. Crystals are a tool which in Cristal Reiki work with the energy field to absorb, focus and direct energies, and prompt the mind, body and spirit to heal.
Enjoy the pleasure to feel cozy in a warm light
Color is an element also of Spirit world, which has a large chromatic spectrum and healing qualities. In addition to Reiki, healing colors repair the body in a marvelous way by infusing the right energy and harmonize the whole body in a holistic way.
Savor the mistery and wisdom of Tarot cards
Tarot has been used since the middle ages, being originated in northern Italy. Each tarot card is unique, with its own individual image, the stories it tells, and the symbolism embodied in them. The goal of the reading is for the traditional cards and archetip you choose to connect to your higher self. The Tarot cards can help bring understanding and more clarity when the reading is provided by a cultured and skilled maestro.
Enjoy the charming world of Oracle cards
A deck of Oracle cards is a divination tool that many people are choosing for readings. The imagery on the cards is often light-hearted and inspirational, helping to really see the path you are manifesting and show how to break patterns. The maestro of cards-the reader, has to possess talent and knowledge in order to perform this kind of reading in a magical and specific way.
Bring insights with Tarot and Oracle cards!
You can bring insights about:
* what do you need to know about your situation;
* what you are not aware and need to pay attention;
* what change you can do to make your path easier;
* what do you need to know to improve your prospects;
* having guidance in decision making;
* understand yourself better and your relationships;
*give you a deep meaning of your life and purpose.
Follow Your Guidance! You are the Master.
* You can choose between Tarot and Oracle cards based on your feelings, attraction, culture or question.
**Do you are attracted more to the angelic realm, deities and themes as romance or angels wisdom? Maybe Oracle cards are best for you. **You are curious to find clearly and deeply the root of your concerns in different level of your awareness, as in psychic tarot? In this case follow your guidance-maybe Tarot cards will give more insights. It is your choice and it is the best one, no matter what you choose. Your Higher Self is your Master. WORK WITH MELET’S TALKSOUL COUCHING
The art of living graceful – Clear, Heal, Predict by Shamanic Way
The Soul is a source that give rise to form and you can intuitively understand what its needs are. Your Soul talks to you every day, but if you are too busy, you cannot hear what it is truyng to say.Whether you are conscious of it or not, your Soul is communicating with you.
By clearing your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical Self, and energetically heal your wounds you will be able to hear the whispers from your Soul. You will find why you are here and which is you purpose in life.
Work smarter not harder!
Secrets of Business Management
You can learn to be more effective with no stress and no painful situations, and have more time for yourself and dears ones.
Yes, it is possible!
Busy doesn’t necessarily mean good business.
For this reason, KAIZEN method is mandatory.
KAIZEN means:
*no waste of time
*no waste of resources
*more free time
*more money
Business Consultancy
KAIZEN-Change for Good
KAIZEN is the Japanese word for “good change” (Kai = change, Zen = good), and describes the continuous improvement of all functions, activities and operations at all levels of a company. Kaizen is a competitive strategy in which all employees work together to create a strong culture of constant improvement.
WORK WITH MELET’S TALKBusiness Consultancy
KISS-Keep It Short and Simple
The “keep it short and simple” (KISS) principle is a rule that states that systems perform best when they have simple designs rather than complex ones, as simplicity guarantees the greatest levels of acceptance by elimination of dusts. KISS is used in a variety of disciplines, such as IT, production, and services.