REIKI for 10 Days Offer

One to one Distant Reiki sessions

Enjoy REIKI, the best noninvasive therapy, with me

I am energy healer, Usui Reiki Master, experienced psychic, yoga trainer and shamanic follower. I am working with Angels and Archangels, Ascended Masters and White Light, chrystals and colors, in your best interest and your highest good. My experience of  30 years will help you to relate to your issues, getting healing and release.

can help

*Decrease and stop physical aches and pains;
*Speed recovery of diseases and injuries;
*Change negative behaviors and release emotional background;
*Increase the wellbeing, daily energy and focus;
*Rebalance the physical and energetic body;
*Get inspiration, intuition and clarity, relief and peace.

My Offer for You

Increase your wellbeing;
Recover from stressful situations;
Rebalance the physical and energetic body;
Boost your energy and clarity;

Increased self-worth, optimism, joy and happiness.

* 10 sessionsx30 min. Distant Reiki strenghten your state of wellbeing, deal with issues and stress and boost your energy.
* eBook BONUS: The GUIDE To A ZEN Lifestyle. Daily Routine To Live The Japanese Way.REIKI PRINCIPLES
* In addition to Reiki energy I will use traditional shamanic declutter of aura with sage, herbs, candels, and chrystals for deep healing of woonds, charged with positive energy.   
Same day start delivery! One Reiki session makes effects for 24h – just be open to receive (relax, lie down or sleep)!
Reiki energy has no time and space.

Safe and Natural Healing, with no side effects!
Also for children and animals.
Reiki therapy doesn’t replace medication, medical treatment and professional health advice!

25$ / 10sessions of 30 min.